Rambling Rimki

 We are finally on the final trek home, 🏠 can you believe.. what started out as a disaster and the possibility of us losing everything, now it has all fallen together and worked out for good. 

To God be the Glory.. Amen! 🙏 

Since Hank and I tend to Ramble on.. we decided to finally give those that have faithfully  tagged along with us .. and put up with our endless ramblings.. call you fellow 


We have a clue about what we are saying..

We will eventually get to it.. in a round about sort of way.. its just we have so much information or as Henry likes to put it.. So many penguins 🐧 on the iceberg that we just don't know where to start! 

We are definitely not pro Youtubers.. maybe 🤔 one day we will get a flow going where it makes a theatrical sense but.. until then.. Thank you all for being a part of this channel and journey! 

So, Now that we are getting things underway and figuring things out.. one of them that I am consistently having to remember is.. to add the screw lock in the residential fridge..its a new step for me and one that I must get used too plus, I think 💭 I really should create an additional one just to make sure that if I loose it, I have another for safety sakes. 

The general understanding of what we must do is similar to all basic instructions for the breakdown and setups for RV's.. its just the programs and layouts for Abigail are new and will need to be created a pattern of memory. The flow hasn't set in yet but, that day will come..eventually!

The weather keeps kicking our rears on this trip.. we have been running from the rain storm ⛈ that is right behind us and to find out that to the west of us is a severe snowstorm coming in.. it should arrive about 4 hours after we get there.. and that is all depending on how soon we can leave this RV Park and get on the road. Ugh.. 🤦‍♀️ weather is not fun when its doom and gloom all around you!

We have been asked what is it that we do during long travel days.. 

One of the many things we do is read to each other. 

You can download many things to entertain oneself .. like audiobooks, they are wonderful things and a great way to stay up on current books 📖 that are out there. I believe reading strengthens your vocabulary and understanding. 

We also do Couples Devotionals. Henry and I work together on building our faith in God. We believe a firm and grounded foundation helps a couple deal with the struggles that will always find their way into a marriage and in life just the same. 

The last time we went into Walmart, Henry found a couples Devotional tucked away on the shelves and we purchased it. It is truly a beautiful yearly devotional and a great way to open a conversation with each other during travel days. 

Walmart: Link to Couples Devotional

 Again.. this is a suggestion for families to consider and open up conversations between couples and families alike as you travel through the beauty of Gods creation. 

As we are making our way into Virginia... the realization that we will have to once again maneuver Abigail into that tight space is hitting us and im thinking over and over how to manipulate the space to make our time be used wisely. 

I was laughing 😝 at myself last night.. I woke up freaking out wondering 💭 where the tank heaters were on this new rig.. I remember hearing about them during the walk through but, forgot where to find them. 

Henry was speaking with one guy as I was looking over another and now that we are looking at snow in the near.. day!!!! I need to remember 

Where are the tank heaters?

At about 2am.. Im flipping open the cabinet and going through the system trying to find where the tank heaters were .. I even opened up my phone 📱 app to see if I could find it there and .. both were there with NO difficulty in locating. 

A few more hours to go and we will be making our way home 🏠 Tuck her in to her new spot, then all will be well! 

So, for now .. I will say see ya laters! 👋 as I have to park this girl.. 

We will talk again real soon!



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