Sunshiny Kayaky Day


Spring is finally showing its head.. the weather is getting warmer and the days are clearing up, oh what a bright and sunshiny day! 

With a beautiful day before us, we decided to take our first kayak trip out into the waters just outside in our backyard. 

Our lovely area in which we live has what I could best describe as roadways made of water , divided by outcrops of long weeds and outcrops of tall grass that divide up the area creating seclusion for all who live here. You can go out on your fishing boats, jet skis, paddle board or kayaks and still find new. things and areas to explore.. and this is just in our immediate backyard. 

From our wonderful location, we have direct access to Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge. 

Back Bay National Refuge Link

Back Bay has over 9,062 acres to explore and we are slowly going out bit by bit to the areas that we can immediately reach to see what we can find. 

Sometimes the waters are crystal clear, flat as glass and you can see from one side to the other.. some days the ways is a tad bumpy.. the wind 🌬 is up and your ride the rolls a little at a time, this causes the adventures to be slow and the journey long but, still worth the hard work. 😓 

No matter where we go, down the water 💧 ways to find fun little ins and outs of our neighborhood to making our way out into the back bay and seeing natures beauty..with its jumping fish, peaking turtles, fishing cranes, flying birds 🦅 as we explore one area after another. 

Each trip is showing beauty in God's creation and we have truly been grateful for every new discovery. 

Our trips start out with roughly an hour out..

We carry bottles of water, small snacks for energy, first aid kit and gps enabled radio and then there is our phones plus, flotation vest and head coverings.  

Simple and easy .. we don't carry to much to weigh us down or might lose so.. this is where we stand on our adventure days. 

We spend more for what is happening in the moments as they are precious indeed. 

I hope you take the time to find these moments, make wonderful memories and take the time to love one another! 

See ya next time.



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