Flying Stupid Aire!


(Disclaimer: Jokes made are for a belly laugh.. not to be taken seriously.. we are adults.. please laugh)

After spending 2 full days at the RV SuperShow.. we decided that we needed to jump on taking care of the items on our TODO list and get them knocked off as quickly as we could plus.. we were getting a little antsy watching the stuff taking place at the show and with every day that passed more people were showing up, crowds and us just don't mix very well.. 

Work to get done.. lets go!

As the days at the show went on and people we new from the RV Groups realized that the RV at the show is ours (Our Name is on it) we started to get pictures of damages done to her. We took notes and copies of the pictures and put them in a file to send to the dealer and repair guys so, they would be kept in the loop and ready for what was coming in when she came in from the show.. long before they did their walk through. 

This also allowed us to see what needed to be caught and paid closer attention to since she was abused at the show. 
 * Broken Dishwasher Door 
 * Broken Drawer Pulls
 * Wall separating from seam
 * Someone HIT the RV rear panel by the garage door
 * Elevated bed 🛏 broken!
Yep.. the list got longer as more and more information came in from our fellow Stoners!

We knew that things could and would happen and with this knowledge the dread of "how long will this take to get fixed" is now haunting my mind!

As we continue to work on getting Charlotte ready for the transfer and waiting on the day that the new RV will be delivered to us.. we are trying to find cheap and fun things to do but, we are running out of time because we do have to get back to Virginia and Hank has a job to do so, we are losing time quickly! 

We started to talk about how commonsense is lost these days.. 

Hank started to create this joke story about a airline and created a stream of commonality worth as if a stewardess 👩‍✈️ was talking to the people over a PA about safety before take off.. it is a hoot! 

Watch the video.. its funny!

He has such a way of being and just creating these wondrous moments that I just don't know where or how but.. they are and he is MINE! 

Well.. we still have work to get done, and time to wait till our RV gets here so.. see ya next time our fellow Ramblers!



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