Chapter 2.. So, It Begins!

 Oh .. WOW!

Thats really all I can say, from the time it all began to how we got right here.. 

It all passed by so quickly!

Yes, there were times that seemed to drag by like walking through ankle deep, wet sand however, when you stand back after the rough patches have gone and you moving through all the pictures and packing boxes to put away into a long term storage facility, it is then you realize how quickly time did fly by! 

We made it to our location here and we will discuss more about that later, as we are finding ourselves more lost then found..

Its a true learning curve, since we both have never been to live here before. 

The length that it took for us to finally get to this point was a pain and a shuffle as you had to throw in Covid restrictions plus people making it up as they go along because, honestly no one knew what they could or couldn't do..

This left many things up in the air!

So, this brings us here! 

We decided not to call this a "Season 2" as with life it fluctuates and comes with many differing thoughts and opinions about the journey you will take so, that for us is another chapter to read and enjoy.. that is why we decided to think of this new place and change as a Chapter.

With Henry still being active in the Marine Corps. we still have 1 location to stay and learn about but, we get to investigate the community and the states that happen to be located around us. 

With ever new thing we find or place we can pick through we plan to pluck at it to find the things we like and don't as this is a fun way for us all to make memories together. 

We don't always have to plan expensive vacation, we can make them right at home.. the greatest memories together is the ones were love 💕 is nurtured and strengthening, encouraged and built. 

For the time we have here.. we will work on that together! 

As for what your going to see next.. 

Well.. the travels that took to get here, then us being US! 

Thanks for continuing to be a part of this journey as we find our way around our new local.. 

Let the fun time roll!

Hank and Robyn!


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